Monday, August 5, 2013

Reuters: Regulatory News: Europe's 'downgrade diary' flags up new market pressures

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Europe's 'downgrade diary' flags up new market pressures
Aug 5th 2013, 08:25

Mon Aug 5, 2013 4:25am EDT

  By Marc Jones      LONDON, Aug 5 (Reuters) - New European rules requiring  credit agencies to announce their rating decisions to a pre-set  timetable are likely expose the region's shaky sovereign  borrowers to more bursts of market pressure.      But they may also have an impact further afield.      Under the CRA3 rules taking effect at the start of next  year, credit rating firms will have to make the dates of their  sovereign reviews - when downgrades, upgrades or outlook changes  usually happen - public in advance.      Ratings are a key part of the financial system because  investors use them to judge how likely they are to get their  money back, but the financial crisis has led to unease that the  market is relying on them too much.      Europe's changes aim to make the secretive ratings process  more transparent, reduce the clout of big firms like Standard &  Poor's, Moody's and Fitch, and stem  the constant downgrade rumours that unsettle investors.      But behind the scenes some policymakers are warning that the  plans could end up creating what one called a "downgrade diary"  that speculative traders could use to target vulnerable states.      Regulators and rating agencies are worried too, concerned  that having specific dates for moves risks producing "cliff  effects" whereby markets gyrate in anticipation of possible  rating changes and then correct on the news.        "It will be similar to the way you get stock market  volatility ahead of Fed, ECB and Bank of England meetings as the  market tries to second-guess what they will do," said Alan Reid,  managing director of DBRS, the largest rating firm outside the  big three.      "In between the (rating) decisions there will be less  volatility, but overall there could be more because right around  those dates you would concentrate it."              MARKET IMPACT      Analysts are not exactly sure how big the pre-rating  decision price swings will be under the new rules.           Mario Draghi's "whatever it takes" promise last year on  behalf of the euro has reduced market sensitivity to ratings,  but traditionally it has been high, especially if a move or  outlook change takes rating in or out of investment grade  territory, or makes such a move likely.      The ECB's two-tiered lending system, where banks are allowed  to borrow 5 percent more if the bond they put up as collateral  is rated in the AAA to A- band, also plays a big role.       When Moody's downgraded Portugal by four notches in July  2011 following Greece's debt restructuring, Portuguese and Irish  bond yields leapt almost 250 basis points and European shares  lost 3.5 percent in the space of two days.      And an International Monetary Fund study last year showed  that a top agency putting a country's rating on  "downgrade-watch" on average leads to a 100 basis point widening  in Credit Default Swap Spreads (CDS) in advanced economies and  one of 160 bps in emerging borrowers.      "We would have to adjust what we do and start thinking about  who is vulnerable as those dates approach," said Deutsche Bank  senior euro zone economist Mark Wall.      "If you have deteriorating fundamentals, if there has been  disappointing progress on structural reforms, then there is the  risk of a downgrade and the market is going to be looking at  that."                       INTO AFRICA      Agencies will be able to change their ratings outside the  pre-set timetable but only in extreme cases, for example if a  government falls or makes a sudden huge change to its finances.          Rating watchers wonder whether some countries will try to  "game" the new system by leaving bad news until just after  reviews, but for traders the limited room for manoeuvre means  they can position fairly confidently for key rating dates.      There are likely to be plenty. Even if just the big three  agencies - S&P, Moody's and Fitch - are included, 28 European  Union sovereigns being rated twice a year still adds up to 168  potential bouts of market stress.      And it doesn't stop there either. One of the quirks of the  new rules means that if a country in another part of the world  is rated by an analyst based in Europe, it too will be subject  to the new requirements.      For S&P that is roughly half of the 127 countries it rates  and includes most of Africa and the Middle East, and for Moody's  and Fitch it is a similar story.      African and Middle Eastern markets are for the most part  more thinly traded than those in Europe meaning, the price moves  could be larger, though the limited liquidity could at the same  time reduce the appetite for major short selling.      "The Nigerians thought we are mad when we told them about  these new rules," said one top rating agency sovereign analyst  who requested anonymity.  
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