Friday, August 24, 2012

Reuters: Regulatory News: In Romney plan, oil drilling unfettered by politics

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In Romney plan, oil drilling unfettered by politics
Aug 24th 2012, 16:24

Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:24pm EDT

  By Joshua Schneyer and Timothy Gardner      Aug 24 (Reuters) - In unveiling his energy policy on  Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney tapped  into the oil industry's giddy optimism about shale drilling to  paint a rosy picture of U.S. economic renaissance fueled by  hydrocarbons.      A 21-page energy policy white paper distributed by the  Romney campaign is also notable for what it doesn't address: The  document contains no mention of climate change, few proposals to  curb U.S. fossil fuel demand, and sparse paragraphs on the  merits of renewable energy.        The promise of a drilling frenzy takes center stage. After  decades of failed plans to wean the world's top economy off  foreign oil, huge new domestic oil and gas resources can now be  easily tapped by high-tech drilling, the plan says.          By opening more territory for drilling and expediting  permits, private companies will be enabled to bring an oil and  gas bonanza to market at record pace, the plan says. One key to  the plan is handing states the power to permit for drilling on  acreage owned by the Federal government, which controls nearly  30 percent of U.S. lands.       That move could expedite permits since several states --  including North Dakota, Ohio and Colorado -- have shown they are  many times faster to issue drilling permits than the Federal  government, Romney's plan says.       Such a major regulatory overhaul would require legislative  approval, however, and could face resistance in a divided  Congress. Meanwhile, the prolific drilling method known as  hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, faces staunch resistance in  some quarters, over fears it could contaminate water supplies.  New York State has maintained a fracking moratorium since 2008.        Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman, in a statement, called  Romney's plan an "oil-above-all" policy, contrasting it to the  Obama administration's stated "all-of-the-above" policy that  promotes a broad mix of renewable energy sources and less  hydrocarbons usage, in addition to more oil and gas drilling.      "The Romney plan takes us in the wrong direction by  increasing our dependence on oil, ignoring the reality of  climate change, and attacking commonsense environmental  protections and successful clean energy programs," Waxman said  in a statement.       But Romney's plan is sure to appeal to many voters wary of  U.S. dependence on foreign oil and gasoline prices near an  all-time high this year. Increasing drilling could turn the  United States into an energy super power by 2020, creating 3  million jobs and adding $500 billion to U.S. gross domestic  product, while slashing reliance on "unstable" foreign  oil-producing nations, the plan says.      The plan promises to open territory from Alaska to the  Virginia coastline up for more drilling.       "It's clever because it's an effort to catch the shale  drilling wave, and embrace the excitement and optimism sweeping  through the U.S. oil industry," said Sarah Emerson of energy  consultancy ESAI.       "It's not a 'we'll try anything' approach. It says 'we've  got this new resource, let's develop it and it will have a huge  impact on GDP and jobs."      In betting heavily on a fossil-fueled U.S. energy future,  the plan also carries economic and environmental risks.      "There is now really a path toward U.S. energy independence  and it's welcome that politicians are thinking about this," said  Ed Morse, head of commodity research at Citi in New York, whose  recent research on the potential of U.S. shale drilling is cited  in Romney's plan.         "This is enviable for a country that has been the world's  only super power and could sustain its power through a  (shale-fuelled) reindustrialization."        The plan is still vulnerable to global energy prices, Morse  said. Expanding U.S. oil development hinges on relatively high  global oil prices, and if OPEC producers like Saudi Arabia or  Iraq were to boost oil production and cause prices to fall to  $70 a barrel -- around 27 percent below current rates -- many  North American projects could lose their economic appeal.       The United States would also have to nearly double its oil  production to becoming a net exporter, raising the risk of new  accidents following the 4.9 million barrel Gulf of Mexico spill  in 2010.      "There's some good stuff in this plan," said Michael Levi, a  fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. "But  it's a plan for oil production, not a comprehensive energy  strategy."              NOD TO INDUSTRY       Romney, whose chief energy advisor is Oklahoma oil  billionaire Harold Hamm, the CEO of shale driller Continental  Resources, borrows heavily in his white paper from research  notes by oil and gas industry experts.        He slams the Obama administration for allegedly dragging  its feet on new drilling. Permitting has languished - allegedly  by 37 percent - a key pipeline hasn't been approved, and rich  offshore prospects remain off limits to drillers, the plan says.       In many ways, however, a proliferation of new drilling --  mostly for fracking projects -- has already transformed the U.S.  energy industry, putting domestic natural gas output on track  for a second annual record, and helping to lift U.S. oil  production to a nine-year high in 2011 from shale-rich states  like North Dakota and Texas.       The United States remains the top net oil importer, although  U.S.  reliance on foreign fuel has waned after gasoline demand  fell by more than 6 percent since peaking in 2007, in part due  to more renewable fuels and higher fuel efficiency standards.        According to Romney's plan, oil companies currently wait an  average 307 days for drilling permits from the Federal  government. In North Dakota, permits to drill on state-owned  lands take just 10 days.       "The economic consequences of not getting permits for years  is brutal," said Mark Mills, an energy expert and fellow at the  Manhattan Institute, who authored a paper cited in the Romney  plan. "The limitation to drilling is access to land, and that  can be solved with the stroke of a pen."      Romney also pledged to forge a U.S. energy alliance with  neighboring oil exporting nations Canada and Mexico, and to  approve the Keystone XL pipeline, a project to carry Canadian  oil sands crude to the U.S. Gulf Coast that has drawn concern  from environmentalists.  
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